Our pharmacist has completed post graduate clinical training and is now authorised to provide an ear, nose and mouth health service for – acute otitis externa (external ear) acute otitis media (middle ear), allergic and non allergic rhinitis, oral health risk assessment and fluoride treatment to eligible patients. Appointments available Mon to Thurs 5pm to 7pm. Consultation fees range from $18.85 to $68.10 depending on the complexity of the consultation.
Duration: 30 min
.Ear, Nose, Mouth Health – Prescribing Pharmacist
.Gut Health – Prescribing Pharmacist
Our pharmacist has completed post graduate clinical training and is now authorised to provide a gut health service for - acute nausea and vomiting, GOR (gastro-oesophageal reflux) and GORD (gastro-oesophageal reflux disease) to eligible patients. Appointments available Mon to Thurs 5pm to 7pm. Consultation fees range from $18.85 to $68.10 depending on the complexity of the consultation.
Duration: 30 min
.Gut Health – Prescribing Pharmacist
.Heart Health – Prescribing Pharmacist
Our pharmacist has completed post graduate clinical training and is now authorised to provide a Heart health service for – cardiovascular disease risk reduction (for type 2 diabetics, dyslipidemia (cholesterol) and hypertension) and weight management to eligible patients. Appointments available Mon to Thurs 5pm to 7pm. Consultation fees range from $18.85 to $68.10 depending on the complexity of the consultation.
Duration: 30 min
.Heart Health – Prescribing Pharmacist
.Hormonal Contraception - Prescribing Pharmacist
Our pharmacist has completed post graduate clinical training and is now able to write prescriptions for hormonal contraception to eligible patients. Available Mon to Thurs 5pm to 7pm. Consultation fees range from $18.85 to $68.10 depending on the complexity of the consultation.
Duration: 30 min
.Hormonal Contraception - Prescribing Pharmacist
.Lung Health – Prescribing Pharmacist
Our pharmacist has completed post graduate clinical training and is now authorised to provide a lung health service for – asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and smoke cessation to eligible patients. Appointments available Mon to Thurs 5pm to 7pm. Consultation fees range from $18.85 to $68.10 depending on the complexity of the consultation.
Duration: 30 min
.Lung Health – Prescribing Pharmacist
.Pain Health – Prescribing Pharmacist
Our pharmacist has completed post graduate clinical training and is now authorised to provide a pain health service for – mild acute muscular skeletal pain and inflammation to eligible patients. Appointments available Mon to Thurs 5pm to 7pm. Consultation fees range from $18.85 to $68.10 depending on the complexity of the consultation
Duration: 30 min
.Pain Health – Prescribing Pharmacist
.Skin Health – Prescribing Pharmacist
Our pharmacist has completed post graduate clinical training and is now authorised to provide a skin health service for - acute psoriasis, acute wound management, herpes zoster (shingles), Impetigo (school sores), mild to moderate acne, mild to moderate atopic dermatitis (eczema) to eligible patients. Appointments available Mon to Thurs 5pm to 7pm. Consultation fees range from $18.85 to $68.10 depending on the complexity of the consultation.
Duration: 30 min
.Skin Health – Prescribing Pharmacist
.Travel Health Service - Prescribing Pharmacist
If you are unsure of your travel health requirements, you can significantly improve your travel health outcomes by proactively discussing your travel plans in a consultation with our pharmacists. In the consultation, we will provide individualised, up to date information: assess what vaccinations and other medications are required; and provide a personalised travel health checklist. Consultant fee applies.$35.45 to $68.10 depending on the complexity of the travel.
Duration: 30 min
.Travel Health Service - Prescribing Pharmacist
Absence from Work Certificate
You can request for a Absence from Work Certificate at our pharmacy. Book for a 10-minute consultation with one of our pharmacists.
Duration: 10 min
Absence from Work Certificate
Asthma Management Programs
Asthma Management gives you an opportunity to discuss your asthma control, identify ways to improve your asthma management and check your inhaler technique.
Duration: 60 min
Asthma Management Programs
Baby Nurse
Baby Nurse
Duration: 30 min
Baby Nurse
Bexsero Meningococcal B
Duration: 10 min
Bexsero Meningococcal B
Blood Glucose Testing
Blood glucose testing assists you in keeping blood glucose levels under control between doctor visits.
Duration: 30 min
Blood Glucose Testing
Blood Pressure Monitoring Service
Blood pressure testing assists you in keeping your blood pressure under control between doctor visits.
Duration: 10 min
Blood Pressure Monitoring Service
Duration: 5 min
Duration: 30 min
Boostrix Diptheria tetanus pertussis
Duration: 10 min
Boostrix Diptheria tetanus pertussis
Boostrix Immunistation
Boostrix Immunistation
Duration: 5 min
Boostrix Immunistation
Boostrix Vaccine (Whooping Cough)
Whooping Cough Vaccine $39.99. Administration $20.00. Total $59.99
Duration: 5 min
Boostrix Vaccine (Whooping Cough)
Buprenorphine Program
Buprenorphine Program
Duration: 30 min
Buprenorphine Program
Buvidal Injection
Buvidal Injection
Duration: 20 min
Buvidal Injection
Cholera Vaccination
Cholera vaccine helps reduce your chances of becoming infected with cholera and is generally recommended for those who are travelling to countries where the disease is endemic. Cholera is a bacterial infection spread primarily through contaminated food or water. If travelling to certain areas overseas, immunisation is the best way to reduce your risk. QLD Pharmacists can vaccinate for Cholera for persons aged 2 years or over. Vaccination fee applies.
Duration: 15 min
Cholera Vaccination
Duration: 15 min
COVID-19 Moderna
COVID-19 Moderna
Duration: 30 min
COVID-19 Moderna
COVID-19 Novavax
COVID-19 Novavax
Duration: 5 min
COVID-19 Novavax
COVID-19 Vaccine - AstraZeneca
Covid-19 Vaccination
Duration: 10 min
COVID-19 Vaccine - AstraZeneca
COVID-19 Vaccine - Moderna
Protect your community against COVID-19 and help patients attend their booster shot booking.
Duration: 20 min
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine (original vaccine and bivalent vaccine bookings)
Important information for COVID-19 boosters and additional doses after 6 months
A comprehensive medicines review for people with Type 2 Diabetes.
This service provides an in-pharmacy review on medicines management, monitoring devices, education and self-management of type 2 diabetes. This service is targeted for those who are unable to gain timely access to other diabetes education or health services. To find out if you are eligible, click on the link below.
Dose administration aids can be used to help you manage multiple medications.
Duration: 30 min
Dose Administration Aid Packing (eg. Websterpak)
Ear Piercing
Ear Piercing
Duration: 15 min
Ear Piercing
Engerix B
Engerix B
Duration: 30 min
Engerix B
Flu Vaccination
Protect yourself against the flu this year by getting vaccinated.
You can now get your flu vaccination at the pharmacy by a pharmacist or nurse. You don't need a prescription from the doctor and the appointment only takes a few minutes. Book now.
Duration: 10 min
Flu Vaccination
Flu Vaccine over 65yrs
10 minute appointment.
Duration: 10 min
Flu Vaccine over 65yrs
Duration: 15 min
Gardasil Human Papillomavirus
Duration: 10 min
Gardasil Human Papillomavirus
Haemophilus Influenzae type B (HIB) Vaccination
Haemophilus Influenzae type B (HIB) vaccine helps reduce your chances of becoming infected with HIB HIB is a bacterium that is a normal part of the upper respiratory tract flora. H. influenzae type b (Hib) can cause invasive diseases in children and in people who are immunocompromised. In Australia, it is part of the National Immunisation Program (NIP)
QLD Pharmacist can vaccinate for Haemophilus Influenzae type B for person aged 2 years or over.
Vaccination fee applies.
Duration: 15 min
Haemophilus Influenzae type B (HIB) Vaccination
Health Check
Are you at risk of Cardiovascular disease or Type 2 Diabetes? Find out today.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in Australia. Furthermore, diabetes is the fastest growing chronic condition, putting more Australians at risk of developing further complications such as heart disease.
This quick health check involves a risk screening and consultation with the pharmacist to assess your heart and/or diabetes risk, to help you take action before it’s too late. Book now.
Duration: 30 min
Health Check
Hearing Clinic
Hearing Clinic
Duration: 15 min
Hearing Clinic
Hearing Screening
Having problems hearing?
Hearing checks allow you to check your hearing and receive appropriate advice or a referral.
Duration: 15 min
Hearing Screening
Duration: 5 min
Hepatitis A vacccination
Avaxim or Havrix
Duration: 30 min
Hepatitis A vacccination
Hepatitis A Vaccination
Hepatitis A vaccine helps reduce your chances of becoming infected with Hep A and is generally recommended for those who are travelling to countries where the disease is endemic. In Australia, it is also part of the National Immunisation Program (NIP). QLD Pharmacists can vaccinate for Hepatitis A for persons aged 2 years or over. Vaccination fee applies.
Duration: 15 min
Hepatitis A Vaccination
Hepatitis A Vaccine
Hepatitis A Vaccine
Duration: 10 min
Hepatitis A Vaccine
Hepatitis B Vacc
Hepatitis B Vacc
Duration: 10 min
Hepatitis B Vacc
Hepatitis B Vaccination
Hepatitis B vaccine helps reduce your chances of becoming infected with Hep B and is generally recommended for those who are travelling to countries where the disease is endemic. In Australia, it is also part of the National Immunisation Program (NIP). Hepatitis B is an infection caused by hepatitis B virus that affects the liver. Hepatitis B virus may be transmitted by inoculation through broken or penetrated skin, or by mucosal contact with blood or other body fluids (mainly vaginal fluids and semen) from an infectious person.
QLD Pharmacists can vaccinate for Hepatitis B for persons aged 2 years or over.
Vaccination fee applies.
Duration: 15 min
Hepatitis B Vaccination
Hepatitis B vaccine
Hepatitis B vaccine
Duration: 30 min
Hepatitis B vaccine
HPV Vaccine
HPV Vaccine
Duration: 5 min
HPV Vaccine
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine helps reduce the risk of becoming infected with human papillomavirus. In Australia, it is part of the National Immunisation Program (NIP)
QLD Pharmacist can vaccinate for human papillomavirus for persons aged 9 years or over.
Vaccination fee applies.
Duration: 15 min
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination
Japanese Encephalitis (JE) Vaccination
Japanese Encephalitis (JE) vaccine helps reduce your chances of becoming infected with Japanese encephalitis and is generally recommended for those who are travelling to countries where the disease is endemic. Japanese encephalitis is caused by infection with the mosquito-borne JE virus. The disease mainly affects the central nervous system. If travelling to certain areas overseas, immunisation is the best way to reduce your risk.
QLD Pharmacists can vaccinate for JE for persons aged 2 years or over.
Vaccination fee applies.
Duration: 15 min
Japanese Encephalitis (JE) Vaccination
Duration: 30 min
Leave Certificates
You can request for a Leave Certificate at our pharmacy. Book for a 10-minute consultation with one of our pharmacists.
Duration: 10 min
Leave Certificates
Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Vaccination
Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine helps protect against MMR. It is highly recommended for all adolescents and adults born during or since 1966 who have not received 2 doses of measles-containing vaccine, particularly healthcare workers, childhood educators and carers, people who work in long-term care facilities, people who work in correctional facilities and travellers. In Australia, it is also part of the National Immunisation Program (NIP).
This vaccine is not suitable for women who are pregnant or planning to fall pregnant soon.
QLD Pharmacists can vaccinate for MMR for persons aged 2 years or over.
Vaccination fee applies.
Duration: 15 min
Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Vaccination
A comprehensive review of your medications in the pharmacy with your pharmacist.
This 20-30 minute consult focuses on education and self-management, aimed to identify any issue that you may be experiencing with your medicines. This service is funded by the government. To find out if you are eligible, click on the link below.
Duration: 30 min
Duration: 5 min
Meningococcal ACWY Vaccination
Meningococcal ACWY vaccine helps reduce your chances of becoming infected with Meningoccal and is generally recommended for those who are travelling to countries where the disease is endemic. In Australia, it is also part of the National Immunisation Program (NIP).
QLD Pharmacists can vaccinate for Hepatitis A for persons aged 2 years or over.
Vaccination fee applies.
Duration: 15 min
Meningococcal ACWY Vaccination
Meningococcal B Vaccination
Meningococcal B vaccine helps reduce the risk of becoming infected with meningococcal disease and is generally recommended for those who are travelling to countries where the disease is endemic. However, no single vaccine protects against all serogroups. In Australia, it is also part of the National Immunisation Program (NIP)
QLD Pharmacist can vaccinate for Meningococcal B for persons aged 2 years or over.
Vaccination fee applies.
Our naturopath service is available Monday Wednesday and Friday. It has a strong focus on herbal medicine, nutritional medicine and functional pathology testing. We can formulate individualized treatment plans.
Duration: 60 min
Duration: 60 min
Naturopath Consultation
Naturopath Consultation
Duration: 60 min
Naturopath Consultation
Naturopath Consultation
Naturopath Consultation
Duration: 30 min
Naturopath Consultation
Nimenrix (meningoccal)
Nimenrix (meningoccal)
Duration: 30 min
Nimenrix (meningoccal)
Nimenrix Meningococcal ACWY
Duration: 10 min
Nimenrix Meningococcal ACWY
NIP Flu Vaccination
Flu Vaccination
Duration: 5 min
NIP Flu Vaccination
Duration: 15 min
Nutrition Follow Up Consult
Nutrition Follow Up Consult
Duration: 30 min
Nutrition Follow Up Consult
Our Clinical Nutritionist will create a nutritional medicine treatment plan specific for you. It includes eating guidelines, meal plans & recipes, food coaching, prescription appropriate vitamins & minerals and lifestyle advice to support your health needs. Available Wednesday and Thursday (walk-ins welcomed) other days by appointment.
Duration: 45 min
Duration: 60 min
Nutritionist Consult Initial
Use this calendar for booking initial consults for customers with in store nutritionist
Duration: 30 min
Nutritionist Consult Initial
Nutritionist Extended Consult
Nutritionist Extended Consult
Duration: 60 min
Nutritionist Extended Consult
Pain Management
Pain Management
Duration: 30 min
Pain Management
Duration: 30 min
Pharmacist Consultation
Pharmacist Consultation
Duration: 20 min
Pharmacist Consultation
Duration: 5 min
Pneumococcal (Prevenar 13) vaccination
Pneumococcal (Prevenar 13) vaccination
Duration: 10 min
Pneumococcal (Prevenar 13) vaccination
Pneumococcal Vaccination
Pneumococcal vaccine help prevent some types of pneumonia and is generally recommended for those who are most vulnerable to contracting pneumonia. In Australia, it is also part of the National Immunisation Program (NIP).
QLD Pharmacists can vaccinate for Pneumococcal for persons aged 2years or over.
Vaccination fee applies.
Duration: 15 min
Pneumococcal Vaccination
Pneumovax Pneumococcal 23vPPV
Duration: 10 min
Pneumovax Pneumococcal 23vPPV
Pneumovax Vaccine
Pneumovax Vaccine
Duration: 5 min
Pneumovax Vaccine
Polio (Poliomyelitis) Vaccination
Polio (Poliomyelitis) vaccine helps reduce your chances of becoming infected with Polio and is generally recommended for those who are travelling to countries where the disease is endemic. In Australia, polio combination vaccine is also part of the National Immunisation Program (NIP).
QLD Pharmacists can vaccinate for Polio for persons aged 2 years or over.
Vaccination fee applies.
Duration: 15 min
Polio (Poliomyelitis) Vaccination
Priorix (MMR) Vaccine
Priorix (MMR) Vaccine
Duration: 10 min
Priorix (MMR) Vaccine
Duration: 15 min
Duration: 30 min
Duration: 15 min
Shingles vaccine
Duration: 20 min
Shingles (Shingrix) Vaccination
Shingles (Shingrix) Vaccination
Duration: 10 min
Shingles (Shingrix) Vaccination
Shingles Vaccination
Shingles Vaccination
Duration: 10 min
Shingles Vaccination
shingles vaccine
shingles (>50)
Duration: 30 min
shingles vaccine
shingles vaccine
shingles vaccine
Duration: 5 min
shingles vaccine
Shingrex Herpes zoster
Duration: 10 min
Shingrex Herpes zoster
Duration: 5 min
Shingles Vaccine
Duration: 15 min
Duration: 15 min
Duration: 15 min
Shingrix vaccination
1st or 2nd dose
Duration: 15 min
Shingrix vaccination
Shingrix Vaccination
Shingrix Vaccination
Duration: 15 min
Shingrix Vaccination
Shingrix Vaccination
Shingrix Vaccination
Duration: 15 min
Shingrix Vaccination
Shingrix Vaccine
Shingrix Vaccine
Duration: 5 min
Shingrix Vaccine
Sleep Apnoea Services
Are you experiencing excessive day time sleepiness or do you snore frequently or loudly? Check in for a quick assessment.
Sleep Apnoea (Obstructive Sleep Apnoea) affects 5% of Australians including 1 in 4 men over the age of 30. Sleep apnoea refers to abnormal reductions or pauses in breathing during sleep. Make a booking to receive an assessment.
Duration: 30 min
Sleep Apnoea Services
Sleep Apnoea trial consult
Sleep Apnoea trial consult
Duration: 30 min
Sleep Apnoea trial consult
Sleep Services
Sleep Services
Duration: 30 min
Sleep Services
Sleep study
Sleep study
Duration: 30 min
Sleep study
Sleep study result consult
Sleep study result consult
Duration: 30 min
Sleep study result consult
Sports Nutritionist
Our sports nutrition service is available on Sunday and Tuesday. It has a strong focus on exercise, peak performance and recovery. We can formulate individual treatment plans.
Duration: 30 min
Sports Nutritionist
Supervised RAT
Supervised RAT
Duration: 30 min
Supervised RAT
Supervised RAT
Supervised RAT
Duration: 20 min
Supervised RAT
Duration: 20 min
Twinrix vacc
Twinrix vacc
Duration: 10 min
Twinrix vacc
Typhoid vaccination
Duration: 15 min
Typhoid vaccination
Typhoid Vaccination
Typhoid vaccine (oral and injection) helps reduce the risk of becoming infected with Typhoid fever disease and is generally recommended for those who are travelling to endemic countries where water quality and sanitation are poor.
QLD Pharmacist can vaccinate for Typhoid for persons aged 2 years or over.
Vaccination fee applies.
Duration: 15 min
Typhoid Vaccination
UTI Prescription Service
Pharmacist provide treatment (including antibiotics) to eligible patients for uncomplicated urinary tract infections. Service fee applies
Duration: 30 min
UTI Prescription Service
Duration: 5 min
Duration: 15 min
Vaccine (Other)- Call Pharmacy to book
Other vaccine- Contact pharmacist
Duration: 15 min
Vaccine (Other)- Call Pharmacy to book
Varicella zoster (chickenpox) vaccination
Varicella zoster (chickenpox) vaccine helps reduce the risk of becoming infected with Varicella virus. In Australia, it is also part of the National Immunisation Program (NIP)
QLD Pharmacist can vaccinate for Varicella for persons aged 2 years or over.
Vaccination fee applies.
Duration: 30 min
Varicella zoster (chickenpox) vaccination
Vitamin B12 injection
Vitamin B12 injection
Duration: 20 min
Vitamin B12 injection
Vivaxim vaccination
Vivaxim vaccination
Duration: 30 min
Vivaxim vaccination
Weight Management Program
Better manage your wellbeing via our weight management program.
Managing your weight means a healthy diet and regular exercise. Book here for a consultation with one of our weight management professionals.
Duration: 30 min
Weight Management Program
whooping cough
Duration: 15 min
whooping cough
Whooping Cough
Whooping Cough
Duration: 30 min
Whooping Cough
Whooping Cough
Whooping Cough
Duration: 20 min
Whooping Cough
Duration: 10 min
Whooping cough
Duration: 10 min
Whooping cough
Whooping cough vaccination
Whooping cough vaccination
Duration: 15 min
Whooping cough vaccination
Whooping Cough vaccination
dTPA - Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis vaccination
Duration: 10 min
Whooping Cough vaccination
Whooping Cough vaccination
Whooping Cough vaccination
Duration: 15 min
Whooping Cough vaccination
Whooping Cough Vaccination
Pharmacist can vaccinate people 16 years and older in Qld with Whooping cough or pertussis vaccine.It is recommended for people wanting to reduce the risk of infection and is recommended for people who will be in contact with or caring for babies under six months of age
Duration: 15 min
Whooping Cough Vaccination
Zoster (shingles) vaccination
Zoster - herpes zoster (shingles) vaccine helps reduce the risk of becoming infected with herpes zoster virus. In Australia, it is also part of the National Immunisation Program (NIP)
QLD Pharmacist can vaccinate for herpes zoster for persons aged 18 years or over.
Vaccination fee applies.
Duration: 15 min
Zoster (shingles) vaccination
Pre-Screening Form
Booking Details
Appointment Date:
Appointment Time:
Pharmacy Name:
Phone Number:
Booking Reference Number:
Please present your booking reference number at your appointment
If you need to cancel, please contact
Your Details
First Name:
Last Name:
You have been sent an email with these details. You will also receive a reminder 24 hours before your booking.
Save time on your visit by answering questions before your appointment.