Shop 14-15 Welland Plaza 522 Port Road WELLAND, SA, 5007
08 8346 3963
Choose A Date:
Flu Vaccination ABOVE 65 yrs ONLY - ($0.00)
This vaccination is only eligible for patients age 65 years and above and has not received a flu shot this year. It is covered by government free of charge.
Duration: 15 min
Flu Vaccination ABOVE 65 yrs ONLY - ($0.00)
Flu Vaccination below 65 yrs - (Non-Gov: $24.95)
Flu Vaccination - Influvac Tetra, this is not covered by the government for patients less than 65 years of age
Duration: 20 min
Flu Vaccination below 65 yrs - (Non-Gov: $24.95)
Pfizer XBB 1.5 12 years and over - COVID
Pfizer XBB 1.5 12 years and over - COVID vaccination. Check eligibility & availability with pharmacy. Failure to do so may result in cancellation - call 08 8346 3963
Duration: 15 min
Pfizer XBB 1.5 12 years and over - COVID
Whooping cough vaccines
Whooping cough vaccines
Duration: 20 min
Whooping cough vaccines
Pre-Screening Form
Booking Details
Appointment Date:
Appointment Time:
Pharmacy Name:
Phone Number:
Booking Reference Number:
Please present your booking reference number at your appointment
If you need to cancel, please contact
Your Details
First Name:
Last Name:
You have been sent an email with these details. You will also receive a reminder 24 hours before your booking.
Save time on your visit by answering questions before your appointment.