COVID-19 Vaccine - Pfizer
Protect your community against COVID-19 and help patients attend their booster shot booking.
Duration: 30 min
COVID-19 Vaccine - Pfizer
Flu Vaccination
Protect yourself against the flu this year by getting vaccinated.
You can now get your flu vaccination at the pharmacy by a pharmacist or nurse. You don't need a prescription from the doctor and the appointment only takes a few minutes. Book now.
Duration: 30 min
Flu Vaccination
Hormonal Contraception Consultation (please phone)
Hormonal Contraception Consultation (please phone)
Duration: 30 min
Hormonal Contraception Consultation (please phone)
HPV (Gardasil) Year 7 or equiv. Call to confirm
HPV (Gardasil) Year 7 or equivalent
Duration: 30 min
HPV (Gardasil) Year 7 or equiv. Call to confirm
Duration: 30 min
Men ACWY Gov Funded for 15-19yo. Call to confirm
Men ACWY 15-19yo
Duration: 30 min
Men ACWY Gov Funded for 15-19yo. Call to confirm
Men B Gov Funded for 15-19 yo. Call to confirm
Meningococcal B 15-19 yo
Duration: 30 min
Men B Gov Funded for 15-19 yo. Call to confirm
Pneumococcal Vaccine Gov Funded (70+)
Prevanar 13. Available for 70 years and over. Please call the pharmacy to confirm stock availability after booking
Duration: 30 min
Pneumococcal Vaccine Gov Funded (70+)
RSV vaccine Pregnant (28-36 weeks)
Abrysvo RSV vaccine 28-36 weeks
Duration: 30 min
RSV vaccine Pregnant (28-36 weeks)
Shingles Vaccine (private)
Shingrix brand.
Duration: 30 min
Shingles Vaccine (private)
Shingles Vaccine Gov Funded (65+)
Shingrix for people 65 years and older. Please call pharmacy to confirm stock availability after booking.
Duration: 30 min
Shingles Vaccine Gov Funded (65+)
Travel Vaccines - phone to confirm
Travel Vaccines - phone to confirm
Duration: 30 min
Travel Vaccines - phone to confirm
Whooping Cough Gov Funded (Pregnant or Yr7)
For Pregnant Women only between 20-32 weeks. Please call the pharmacy to confirm stock availability after booking
Duration: 30 min
Whooping Cough Gov Funded (Pregnant or Yr7)
Whooping Cough Vaccination Private
Whooping Cough Vaccination
Duration: 30 min
Whooping Cough Vaccination Private
Booking Details
Booking Reference Number:
Please present your booking reference number at your appointment
If you need to cancel, please contact
You have been sent an email with these details. You will also receive a reminder 24 hours before your booking.
Save time on your visit by answering questions before your appointment.
Pre-screening form