Book a one-on-one back-to-school health check with your Ramsay Pharmacist to make sure that your child's asthma medicines are in order and being used correctly, that any medicines for school are labelled, that you have the right head lice treatments on-hand, that any EpiPens are labelled and in-date and that your child has the right sun protection.
Duration: 10 min
Back to school health check
Pre-Screening Form
Booking Details
Appointment Date:
Appointment Time:
Pharmacy Name:
Phone Number:
Booking Reference Number:
Please present your booking reference number at your appointment
If you need to cancel, please contact
Your Details
First Name:
Last Name:
You have been sent an email with these details. You will also receive a reminder 24 hours before your booking.
Save time on your visit by answering questions before your appointment.