MedAdvisor to support Government initiatives

Government to support home delivery services.

Pay in advance an integral part of the
delivery workflow

piaIn light of the current COVID-19 Pandemic, many patients are choosing to self-isolate and are looking for ways to obtain their medications without having to leave their home. Considering this demand, the government has announced that they will be providing funding to pharmacies to support home delivery.

MedAdvisor has been working closely with the government to support this initiative.

Pay in Advance is an essential part of the delivery workflow as it enables patients to order their medications and pay, all from the comfort of their own home.

Pay in Advance also allows for express pick up in store as patients won’t need to spend extra time waiting at the payment counter, whilst also improving workflow for pharmacy staff.

With this in mind we will be switching on Pay in Advance for all pharmacies on Friday 20th of March.

If you would like to opt-out please complete this form.

When your pharmacy receives a pay in advance request from a patient you will be prompted to enter your bank account details so the funds can be disbursed.

MedAdvisor will be heavily promoting Pay in Advance and delivery to patients via multiple channels.

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